Happy Easter from First Bus!We will be operating the following timetables over the Easter bank holiday weekend to get you where you want to be.
Happy Easter from First Bus!
We will be operating the following timetables over the Easter bank holiday weekend to get you where you want to be:
🐣 Friday 7th April (Good Friday) - Saturday timetable for city services. Monday timetable for Park & Ride.
🐣 Saturday 8th April - Saturday timetable for all services.
🐣 Sunday 9th April - Sunday timetable for all services.
🐣 Monday 10th April (Easter Monday) - Sunday timetable for city services. Monday timetable for Park & Ride.
For more details on Easter services, to view forthcoming timetables and to discover a selection of our favourite things to do in York this Easter go to: Easter Bank Holiday Services | First Bus