Holy Week and Easter Week at York Minster 2023
Experience one of the world’s most magnificent cathedrals and share in the great story of the passion, crucifixion and burial of Jesus before the joyful celebration of his resurrection.
Discover the depth of God’s love in beautiful, breath-taking services.
Monday 3 April
5.30pm: Choral Evensong by the Choir of York Minster
7.00pm: Compline by The Ebor Singers with J. S. Bach’s motet Jesu meine freude and sermon by the Dean of York
Tuesday 4 April
11.00am: Chrism Eucharist with the Archbishop of York - this service will also be livestreamed
5.30pm: Choral Evensong by the Choir of York Minster
7.30pm: Compline by the Ebor Singers with Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s oratorio Le Reniement de St Pierre and sermon by the Dean of York
Wednesday 5 April
12.00pm: Holy Communion with sermon by the Dean of York
5.30pm: Choral Evensong by the Vicars Choral and Choral Scholars of York Minster with the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal Thursday 6 Aprilaundy
Thursday 6th April: Maundy Thursday
5.30pm: Choral Evensong by the Choir of York Minster
7.00pm: Eucharist of the Last Supper with sermon by the Dean of York - this service will also be livestreamed
8.30pm: The Watch
Friday 7 April: Good Friday
12.00pm: The Three Hours' Devotion with The Liturgy of Good Friday at 1.30pm and sermon by the Dean of York - this service will also be livestreamed
5.30pm: Choral Evensong by the Choir of York Minster with Lotti’s Crucifixus etiam pro nobis
Saturday 8 April: Easter Eve
10.00am: Saturday Mornings at York Minster
5.30pm: Choral Evensong by the Choir of York Minster
8.00pm: The Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter with sermon by the Dean of York
Sunday 9 April: Easter Day
8.00am: Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer
10.00am: Choral Matins by the Choir of York Minster
11.00am: Festal Eucharist on Easter Day by the Choir of York Minster with sermon by the Archbishop of York - this service will also be livestreamed
4.00pm: Festal Evensong by the Choir of York Minster - this service will also be livestreamed