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Journey into Silence - York hosts Free Sahaja Yoga Music, Dance & Meditation workshop - Tonight 1st May at 6.30pmome

Wednesday, 1 May 2024 12:31

By Barbara Constable

Enlightened music & dance can help in the process of awakening the Kundalini energy within and transport us into spontaneous yoga, meditation, silence & joy. This potentiality resides in every person, we simply have to desire its awakening & learn how to do it.

Inner Transformation

Once the indwelling kundalini is awakened, we get to experience our own Self Realisation otherwise known as Yoga and can then also truly get into meditation. When we achieve Yoga and this connection establishes - our subtle system is nourished and that awakening allows us to get into the meditative state known as 'thoughtless awareness'.
Here the mental engine switches off and rests, our thoughts desist and recede and we can enjoy the fruits of not being bombarded with thoughts for a while. Imagine that!

It could be said that one of the main benefits of not thinking for a while is that the overused and overheated pathways in the brain get to take a holiday from being relentlessly engaged in processing these constantly arising impulses know as thoughts. Once these thoughts arise, the brain automatically functions and goes to work perceiving & formulating 'understandings'.

Once the activity of thought generation is removed from the in-tray, the brain can get busy on perceiving, what remains in the absence of thoughts, which is ..... wait for it.....yes, you guessed it .... reality.

This awareness of reality, undisturbed by thoughts arising, is know as Nirvikalpa Samadhi - or in English language, 'thoughtless awareness'.
In this state the experience is described as being Sat-chit-ananda – or in English language **Truth, Consciousness, Bliss.**The term, which attempts to describe the nature of reality, or Absolute Reality, has been coined by those who through history have described the experience, in realizing the unity and wholeness of all existence.

This outcome in personal development, inner transformation and spiritual ascent is know as yoga. Yoga means union or connection. Hence, this connection is akin to switching on the Spiritual Wifi within, connecting us to the whole universe of life and our existence.

Big stuff maybe. Luckily the experience is both free & spontaneous and as mentioned earlier only requires our personal desire to ‘have it’ for it to begin working out and actualising.

So join us on Wednesday May 1st 2024 @ 6:30pm to learn how to do it and get connected!

Venue: Quaker Meeting House, Friargate, York, Y01 9RL


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