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York CVS Recruitment Drop-in event - Thursday 21st July

Sunday, 17 July 2022 09:08

By Barbara Constable

York CVS have a Recruitment Drop-in event which takes place on Thursday 21 July, from 4.30pm - 6.30pm in the Main Hall at the Priory Street Centre (Micklegate YO1 6ET). 





www.yorkcvs.org.uk | @YorkCVS

We're an independent charity supporting charitable organisations across York. Meet our team, explore our office spaces and find out more about our roles and how to apply.         

York CVS have a Recruitment Drop-in event which takes place on Thursday 21 July, from 4.30pm - 6.30pm in the Main Hall at the Priory Street Centre (Micklegate YO1 6ET). 

It’s an opportunity to meet our team, explore our work spaces, learn about our benefits package and to find out more about the roles we’re currently recruiting for, which include:

Refreshments and cake will be available and there’ll also be an opportunity to find out more about our Volunteer roles and to meet our Volunteer Centre team. Here's some of our Volunteer roles:  


Accessibiity guide: Accessibility - Priory Street Centre

Contact: please email us at: comms@yorkcvs.org.uk



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