A boy, aged 14, was assaulted on Friday, July 29th, around 6.15pm by a man on a scooter.
A boy, aged 14, was assaulted on Friday, July 29th, around 6.15pm by a man on a scooter. The incident happened on the cycle lane at the back of James Street Caravan Park and left the boy with bruising to his face.
The Police said “In particular, we are appealing for anyone who could identify the man who is described as white in his late 30’s, very tanned and 5ft 9 tall.
“He is described as being of a medium build, stocky with a black bushy beard and wearing a black beanie.
“He had a tattoo on the back of his right calf and was wearing black shorts, black trainers, a black top and a black rucksack.
“He was last seen riding his scooter along the cycle lane, away from the city centre.
” Anyone with information that could assist the investigation should email jonathan.gillespie@northyorkshire.police.uk."
You can also call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2, and ask for PC577 Jonathan Gillespie.
“If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12220133295.”