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An Opportunity to Help Keep Younger Drivers and Their Passengers Safe

Friday, 20 September 2024 00:05

By Ray Milligan

Police Van - Credit North Yorkshire Police

Over the next two weeks, North Yorkshire Police (NYP) will be shining the spotlight on younger drivers and their passengers involving the fatal five driving offences which are considered the main causes in road traffic collisions.

NYP’s latest campaign called  “Operation Spotlight”, focuses on younger drivers and their habits behind the wheel. Overall, in 2022, around a fifth of all killed or seriously injured casualties from collisions involving cars were involving a young car driver or rider.

Statistics show that young male car drivers aged 17 to 24 are four times as likely to be killed or seriously injured compared with all car drivers aged 25 or over.

Over the next two weeks NYP’s dedicated Road Safety Team, and roads policing officers will be out and about engaging with young drivers on the county’s road network. The Road Safety Team will also present several planned engagement events at schools and colleges.

The fatal five offences are driving under the influence of drink or drugs, not wearing a seat belt, using a mobile phone whilst driving, excess/inappropriate speed and careless/dangerous driving.

In the first eight months of this year (January – August 2024), there have been twenty fatal collisions in North Yorkshire. NYP’s ambition is for the number to be zero, although it is still twenty too many, compared to the same period from the previous year thankfully the number has fallen. Behind every serious or fatal collision is a family that is devastated by the loss of a loved one and the ripple effect which it has on all those involved. Road death is not acceptable, and this is why road safety is one of the police’s strategic priorities. By supporting this campaign, it shows NYP’s continued commitment to reduce the number of fatalities in the form of education and targeted activity.

Inspector Clive Turner from North Yorkshire Police said: “This is an intense push on the national campaign to highlight the five main causes of fatal collisions and the higher risk of younger drivers been involved in a serious or fatal collision.

“Statistics show that young drivers are more likely to be involved in a serious or fatal road traffic collision. We will be out and about across North Yorkshire to engage with younger drivers to highlight the fatal five and remind them of the responsibility that they carry for their actions behind the wheel.”

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