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City Cruises regrets withdrawal From festival due to high river levels but offers free tickets

Sunday, 28 January 2024 14:43

By Chantele Hodson

Credits: City Cruises

City Cruises, the leading provider of sightseeing cruises, expresses deep regret in announcing its withdrawal from this weekend's York Residents Festival due to high river levels.

While the festival remains unaffected and promises a delightful experience for residents, the consequences of adverse weather have forced City Cruises York to suspend operations for the weekend.

A spokesperson from the City Cruises York team stated, "It is with a heavy heart that we announce our withdrawal from the Residents Festival weekend. Typically, we would welcome more than 2800 passengers over the course of the weekend, and we understand the disappointment this may cause. Unfortunately, the current river conditions have compelled us to make this difficult decision and as you’d expect the safety of our passengers and crew is our top priority."

In a bid to express gratitude to the local community and provide a gesture of goodwill, City Cruises is extending a special offer to individuals with a YO postcode. Residents can contact City Cruises to receive two codes for a complimentary sightseeing cruise which must be redeemed online with a sailing date on/before February 9th, 2024, with a kind encouragement to purchase drinks from the on-board bar or additional tickets for their cruise experience, as well as visit other local businesses.

Despite the challenges caused to the riverside and surrounding businesses by high river levels, City Cruises is committed to highlighting that only a small section of the city is affected and promoting the city’s visitor economy. The spokesperson continued, "We understand the frustration that flooding can cause to visitors, but as the small section of the city navigates through these challenges, we remain dedicated to supporting the riverside economy and providing a great service to our guests.”

With a commitment to providing a maximum of 500 complimentary tickets, City Cruises encourages residents to take advantage of the generous offer and hopes it will inspire more residents and visitors to join their sightseeing cruises with live captain’s commentary, their fish and chip cruises that received an average customer rating of 9.5 last year or book a private charter later in the year.

For further information or for residents with YO postcodes to claim two complimentary codes on a first-come, first-served basis, please E-Mail City Cruises at infoyork@citycruises.com.

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