Healthwatch York has repeated its earlier cost of living survey, hearing from 200 people across the city in a report published yesterday.
Healthwatch York has repeated its earlier cost of living survey, hearing from 200 people across the city in a report published yesterday. The report, Health and the cost of living in York, shows that the situation has got significantly worse for those already struggling and increasing numbers of people are cutting back. Cost rises have also had a negative impact on many people’s mental and physical health.
Siân Balsom, Healthwatch York Manager, is concerned: “We have heard from people who are not just struggling to heat their homes, but who are now living in damp and mouldy rooms. More people are suffering and the demand on already overstretched health and care services is growing as a result.
“Some people are as isolated as at the height of the pandemic, but this time it’s a lack of money keeping them in. People with existing health conditions or who are disabled are particularly hard hit and we’ve found that those with anxiety and depression have been disproportionately affected by cost of living rises.
“Our most startling finding is that too many people are becoming resigned to going hungry, being cold and not going out as their 'new normal’. Just getting by on less should not be accepted as the usual way of life in York in 2023.”
The Healthwatch York report includes a number of recommendations for organisations across the city. These include:
Exploring ways to measure and monitor the impact of cost of living rises on local people
Making sure everyone, wherever they live in York, has information about support available and how to access it
Learning from the pilot in Gloucester to identify whether it is appropriate to use NHS winter pressures funding to pay heating costs of people with long term conditions who are at risk
The full report is available at: