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One Way Or Another

Time to Count Your Chickens

Thursday, 26 September 2024 00:05

By Ray Milligan

Jamie, Taylor and Swift, Credit Ray Milligan

If you keep ducks, geese or chickens in your garden or smallholding or if you let your pet parrot, budgie or canary go outside you have until Tuesday the 1st of October to registers them with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.

New rules have been introduced to help tackle the ongoing risk of avian influenza and other bird diseases.

Previously , it was only owners of 50 or more birds that were required to register, but this requirement has now been extended to everyone in Great Britain who keeps any number birds.

Some birds such as budgies, parrots, canaries, and similar species that are kept and stay indoors and are exempt.

To find out more and register visit Register as a keeper of less than 50 poultry or other captive birds - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


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