Healthwatch York has published a report on access to GP services in the city.
They heard from more than 1,300 people who shared what they value about their GP, and also what needs to improve. The feedback has been brought together in a report giving a comprehensive picture of primary care access across the city.
Siân Balsom, Healthwatch York Manager said: “Many of our findings chime with Lord Darzi’s recent report in terms of concerns about accessing health services. The number of people who responded to our survey reinforces the strength of feeling people have about their GP practice. We heard a wide range of experiences, from people who couldn’t praise their surgery highly enough to people who were really struggling to access the care and support they need.”
“Key issues raised were about access, communication, staff attitudes (good and bad) and information. We are delighted that because of this work, we are already hearing about GP practices taking action to address some of the issues raised and wanting to work with us, and their patients, to find mutually beneficial solutions.”
The survey was open from January to March 2024. Healthwatch York also spoke to people at venues across the city and got feedback from groups and others to get the widest possible feedback. People were asked to share the best thing about their GP practice, anything they were unhappy about and what could improve their experience.
Martin Braidwood, Senior Operational Manager at NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) said: "The ICB acknowledges the huge amount of collective work that has gone into writing this report for the City of York, and will consider the findings carefully. Whilst the report has undoubtedly highlighted challenges, it is hugely encouraging to see the many positive comments regarding GP practices. The ICB will continue to work with General Practices, Healthwatch and other system partners collaboratively to strive for the best health outcomes for the people of York."
Dr Emma Broughton, GP Partner at Priory Medical Group and Joint Clinical Director for York Primary Care added: “We thoroughly welcome this report, highlighting the immense pressure experienced by General Practice as the front door to the NHS system. The pressure on our stretched workforce, trying to support continually increasing demand on our services, without the necessary increase in funding or workforce, is impacting on the whole system and leading to immense dissatisfaction from both clinicians and patients. We welcome opportunities to redress the workforce and funding imbalance co-designed with the voices of our patients to meet the needs of our population.”
The report is available on the Healthwatch York website at:
Healthwatch York is also encouraging people to share their experiences of GP practices at its VoICeS meeting on Wednesday 18 September, 2 – 4pm at Priory Street Centre. There is a particular focus on people with long term conditions or complex health needs, but everyone is welcome. For more information and to book a place visit: