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Homeless Bound book launch on 13th December

Thursday, 1 December 2022 00:00

By Barbara Constable

Homeless Bound the book

“There is no such thing as ‘the homeless’, just people experiencing homelessness.”

A group of individuals directly affected by homelessness present the book "Homeless Bound" - uncovering how public misconceptions of homelessness continue to shape public attitudes.

The book launch will be held on Tuesday 13th December, 5.30 to 6.30pm at Central Methodist Church, York. 


Reserve Book Launch Ticket (FREE) https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/homeless-bound-book-launch-tickets-469524479357

Buy the book https://www.coterminous.co.uk/product/HomelessBound/66?cp=true&sa=true&sbp=false&q=false

“There is no such thing as ‘the homeless’, just people experiencing homelessness.”

 Homeless Bound is a York based project which brought together twenty people with direct experience of homelessness to collaboratively create content for a book uncovering how public misconceptions of homelessness continue to shape public attitudes.

 “I hate when people talk about ‘the homeless community’. It paints a false picture that everyone is looking out for each other when many people are dealing with their homelessness in isolation.” Homeless Bound challenges how the use of ‘othering’ language such as ‘they’ or ‘them’ can inadvertently cause further exclusion and isolation for people experiencing homelessness.

 Homeless bound also explores the default perception of homelessness – a man in a doorway, living on the streets, which misrepresents the range and shifting nature of homelessness, limiting our understanding of what homelessness is. “The public often challenges the ‘realness’ of homelessness other than rough sleeping.”

 Demonisation, criminalisation, gentrification, politicisation, and blame are just some of the themes illustrated in the book, all of which further exclude and stigmatise those experiencing homelessness and ultimately make homelessness easier to ignore.

 The interactive book uses graphic design, photography, and creative writing to explore a broad range of themes, including how language and stereotypes ultimately lead to the infantilisation and disempowerment of those affected by homelessness.   


Contact – Good Organisation

Jez Russell – 07913 685823

Priory Street Centre, 15 Priory St, York YO1 6ET 





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