People affected by pregnancy and baby loss in York and surrounding areas will now be able to attend a monthly remembrance service at York Hospital chapel
The monthly remembrance service will be held at the chapel at York on the first Thursday of the month from 10.30-11.00am. The short service will be taken by the hospital chaplains who can offer support at this difficult time and will allow space for anyone who has been affected by baby loss.
Bev Shelley, Bereavement Midwife, said: “The new service will be for any families who either could not have an individual funeral service for their babies under 14 weeks and those who, for whatever reason, did not have the opportunity or wish at the time, to attend a service.
“Pregnancy loss or the death of a baby is a tragedy affecting thousands of people every year. It is devastating for parents and families and it’s vital they get the bereavement support and care they need, for as long as they need it.”
Anyone wishing to know more about the service can contact the chaplaincy department on 01904 725579.