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Residents of Hull Road Ward vote twice today

As well as polls opening for the general election today, a new councillor will also be elected in Hull Road ward.

The by-election is taking place following the resignation of Labour councillor Sophie Kelley after she struggled with her personal circumstances and the demands of the role. Prior to her resignation, Labour had a majority of 24 out of the 47 seats on York Council. Whilst Labour will remain the largest party even if they lose the by-election, it is possible that opposition parties could combine to out-vote them on policies. Kelley won the Hull Road ward seat for Labour in 2019, resulting in a Labour win for the first time since 2015.


Ellis Holden - Conservative

  • Lives locally and also stood for the Conservative Party in last year’s Local Election.

"I have been motivated to stand because I believe the current ruling Labour Group and before them the Lib Dems have been letting the city down. They really have behaved like two sides of the same coin with high council tax rises, outrageous increases to councillor allowances and all the time the roads deteriorate and are understandably one of the biggest complaints I here from residents. Housing is also a big issue for ward residents and the failure of Labour and Lib Dems to complete York’s Local Plan is costing the taxpayer every day in costs and also denying many residents a realistic chance to buy their own home. I also believe it is vital people stick to their word and yet Labour running the council has gone back on both their commitment to freeze council tax and slashed their free school meals for all primary pupils to a few pilot projects in certain very specific areas."

John Moroney - Labour

  • General Practitioner

See his campaign on his FaceBook linked above. 

Andrew David Mortimer

  • Member of the Badger Hill Residents Community Group and helped to establish the Hull Road Community Speedwatch Group.

“Residents are desperate for change nationally, and they are desperate for a change locally as well. York Labour Party has taken Hull Road ward residents for granted for too long. Residents tell me that they are fed up with ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ Labour councillors many of whom seem to use the ward as a career stepping stone before disappearing.

At this election, it’s a clear choice between more of the same from Labour and a hardworking Lib Dem councillor with a record of action who lives in the ward.

“The Lib Dem team in Hull Road ward has been working hard on the issues that matter most to local residents, such as campaigning to stop raw sewage being dumped into the beck in Hull Road Park and rolling our sleeves up to tackle the blight of litter and graffiti in our community. I am looking forward to talking to residents over the coming weeks to discuss my positive plans to make our area an even better place to live.”

Ben Ffrench - Green

  • Focusing on affordable housing

"I know this has always been a big priority for the Green Party, nationally and locally too- homes that are sustainable, affordable and close to local schools, shops and GPs. The Greens in council in York started building state of the art ‘Passivhaus’ homes that broke ground nationally for their energy efficiency and high standards, such as the development on Burton Stone Lane. That’s why if elected, I will push the council to make building council housing a bigger priority for their budget and housing delivery plan."

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