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The Youth of Today... are Selfless, Brave and Public-Spirited

Friday, 5 July 2024 00:05

By Ray Milligan

Credit North Yorkshire Police

On the evening of Saturday 29 June 2024, four young men from the Northallerton area showed excellent courage and personal self-control when they detained a violent, suspected drink driver in Leeming Bar.

The four, two aged 16, one aged 17 and a 22-year-old, attempted to stop a suspected drunk woman from driving when leaving a pub in Northallerton. The woman managed to drive away and the four lads followed at a safe distance and called 999 giving continual and crucial updates whilst officers were dispatched.

The vehicle swerved, clipped kerbs, and narrowly missed colliding with other road users. The vehicle eventually stopped in Leeming Bar, and the quick-thinking young men attempted to take away the keys, but the driver again tried to drive away while they were leaning inside the car trying to turn off the ignition, placing themselves in harm’s way to protect members of the public.

Working together, they managed to get the woman out of the car and detained her while waiting for the police.

During the incident all four of them were violently assaulted and sustained minor injuries as the driver attempted to get away. A police officer was also bitten on his leg during the arrest.

The driver was arrested and taken to custody, thanks to the bravery and bold actions of the four young men.

The four displayed enormous discipline, sense of service, and selfless commitment.

PC Jack Holliday said: “On behalf of North Yorkshire Police, we would like the express our thanks. Teenagers and young people often get a bad reputation in communities, and these individuals will be the first to tell you they are no angels. On this occasion, they placed themselves in harm’s way to protect others. Well done, excellent work, they should be proud of themselves.”

The woman has since been charged with failing to provide a specimen for analysis and assault an emergency worker. She is due to appear at York Magistrates’ Court on 8 August.

She remains under investigation for a number of other offences including four counts of assault and one sexual assault.

If you have any information or wish to contact North Yorkshire Police in relation to this incident call 101 or t via Contact us | North Yorkshire Police  quoting reference number Ref 12240115412


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