York Greens are leading the charge for change! Following contact from residents concerned about the opening times of Museum Gardens.
The opening hours are currently 9am to 6pm meaning that local residents who work during the day have limited opportunity to enjoy this wonderful resource in the centre of the city.
"York Museum Gardens are a beautiful and much appreciated resource, which the city is rightly proud of. They are used by visitors and by York residents including those who live and/or work in the city centre," says Henry Stevens, a York Green Party activist. "Access to the gardens earlier in the morning and later in the day would make a huge difference to people like me."
"Whilst it is understood that there are financial aspects to consider, these gardens are too special and precious to hide behind gates for many hour which, especially in summer, are still light enough to enjoy the outdoors."
Want to make this change happen? Sign the petition at: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/extend-the-opening-hours-for-museum-gardens/